Are you receiving messages that you don't understand? Then you've come to the right place. On this page, we explain when the "Put me back in the water" message appears on your application. We'll give you the steps you need to take to solve the problem quickly!
When does this message appear?
This message appears when ICO is no longer able to take measurements because it can no longer detect the water in your pool. When you receive this message, be aware that it's not a connection problem, just the detection of the presence of water. So there's no need to check your wifi.
If you receive this message while ICO is still in your pool, it indicates a malfunction in your grey probe.
As a reminder, the grey probe, also known as the conductivity probe, allows you to measure the TDS of your pond. In other words, this probe measures the total minerals present in your pond (salt, calcium, bicarbonate, magnesium, etc.).
What to do when this message appears?
If ICO is in the water and this message appears, we advise you to take ICO out of the water. Dry it carefully with a soft cloth and check that all your probes are well inserted and locked. You can also remove the grey probe and replace it. following the instructions on this page to avoid damaging ICO.
You don't need to do anything else, just check in an hour that ICO is taking measurements again and that the "Put me back in the water" message has disappeared.
If the problem persists and ICO is still under warranty, contact our support service by clicking on here.
If your ICO is more than two years old, click here to buy a new probe probe. We remind you that our probes need to be changed every two years to guarantee optimum measurements and recommendations.