Legal information

1. Website presentation

2. General conditions of use of the website and the proposed services

In accordance with article 6 of the French law n°2004-575 from the 21st of June 2004 regarding the confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various participants taking part in the realization and the follow-up of the website, and the linked websites is explained to the users:

Owner : Ondilo – Ondilo SAS 81842362600030 – 162 Avenue Robert Schuman ZA la Pile, 13760 Saint-Cannat
Release manager : Nicolas Fiorini
Webmaster :
Web hosting : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Credits The legal notice has been generated and offered by Subdelirium

Contacting Ondilo customer service: For any queries relating to Ondilo products, you can contact Ondilo customer service via an online form or by making an appointment by telephone. Contact the Support team - Ondilo

The use of the website, and of the linked websites implies complete acceptance of the general conditions of use given below. These conditions of use can be modified or completed at any moment. Users of the of the linked ones are invited to consult them regularly.

his website is normally accessible at any moment to users. An interruption for technical maintenance can however be decided by Ondilo, which will try to communicate the dates and hours before the intervention.

The website its linked sites are regularly updated by Nicolas Firorini. Similarly, legal notices may be amended at any time; they are binding to the use, who is therefore advised to check them as often as possib

3. Description of the supplied services

The website its linked sites aim to supply information concerning the overall activities of the company. Ondilo strive to supply, on the website

Ondilo endeavours to provide on the website its linked sites, with the most accurate information possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and shortcomings in updating, whether these are its fault or the fault of third-party partners who provide it with this information.

All information on the website of its linked website, are given for reference only, and may evolve. Furthermore, the information figuring on the website on its linked websites are not exhaustive and is subject to any amendments that may have been introduced since it was put online.

4.Contractual limitation regarding technical data

This website uses JavaScript technology.

The website will not be held responsible for any material damages linked to the use of the website. In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent material, without virus and with a browser of the latest generation.

5. Intellectual property and counterfeit

Ondilo is the owner of intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all accessible elements on the site, especially the texts, pictures, graphisms, logo, icons, sound, software.

The brands and logos of Ondilo and ICO are trademarks registered by Ondilo.

Any reproduction, representation, amendment, publication, adaptation of all or parts of the elements of the website, whatever the means or process used, is forbidden unless previous written agreement from Ondilo.

Any unauthorized exploitation of the website or of any elements it contains will be considered as constitutive of a counterfeit and pursued in compliance with the dispositions in articles L.335-2 and the followings of the Code of the intellectual property.

6. Responsability limitations

Ondilo will not be held responsible of direct and indirect damages caused to the user’s material, when accessing the site its linked sites, and resulting of either the use of a material which does not meet the specifications listed in section 4, either the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.

Ondilo will not be held responsible as well of the indirect damages (such as for example loss of markets or loss of chance) consecutive to the use of the website and of its linked sites., et de ses sites liés.

Interactive spaces (possibility to ask questions in the contact form) are at the users’ disposition. Ondilo reserves the right to remove, without prior formal notice, any content inside this space which could breach the legislation applicable in France, in particular the dispositions related to the protection of data. If so, Ondilo reserves the possibility to question the civil and/or penal responsibility of the user, especially in case of racist, offensive, libelous or pornographic messages, whatever the support used (text, pictures…).

7.Personal data management.

In France, personal data are protected by the law n°78-87 of the 6th January 1978 law n° 2004-801 of the 6th August, article L. 226-13 of the penal code and the European directive of the 24 October 1995.

When using the site,and its linked sites, can be recollected: the URL of the link s via which the user has accessed the site it linked sites, the access provider of the user, the internet protocol address (IP) of the user.

Ondilo will only collect personal information related to the user for the needs of certain services proposed by the website its linked sites. The user knowingly supplies these information, especially when he himself enters them. The user is then informed on the website its linked sites, the obligation or not to supply this information.

In compliance with articles 38 and the followings of the law 78-17 of January the 6th 1978 related to computing, databases and civil liberties, any user dispose of an access, rectification and opposition right to personal data concerning him, by requesting it on written and signed, with a copy of an identity document with signature of the owner of the document, informing the address to which the answer must be sent.

No user’s personal information be published without prior agreement, neither will it be exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold on a given support to a third party. Only the hypothesis of a redemption of the company Ondilo and its rights would allow the transmission of the information to a potential purchaser who would then be held by the same conservation and amendments of the users’ data obligation., et de ses sites liés,.

This website is declared to the CNIL with a number currently being attributed.

The data bases are protected by the dispositions of the law of July the 1st 1998, transposing the directive 96/6 of March the 11th 1996 related to the juridical protection of the data bases.

8. Hypertexts links and use of cookies

The website its linked sites contain hypertexts towards other sites, implemented with the authorization of Ondilo. However, Ondilo does not have the possibility to check the content of these sites and will accept no liability in this regard.

Navigation on the website its linked sites may cause installation of cookies on the user’s computer. A cookie is small file, which does not allow for identification of the user, but save all information related to the navigation of the computer on a website. The purpose of the data obtained is to facilitate subsequent browsing of the site and also enable various measures of frequentation

Refusing cookies installation may lead to the inability to access some services. The user can however configure its computer to refuse installation of cookies by following the following steps:

Under Internet Explorer: tool tab (pictogram of a cog to the top right corner) / internet options. Click on confidentiality et choose Block all cookies. Then press Ok to confirm.

Under Firefox: On the top of the browser window, click on the Firefox button and go to the Options tab. Click on the Privacy Tab. Configure the conservation rules on: use the personalized parameters in the history. Then uncheck it to disable the cookies.
Paramétrez les Règles de conservation sur : utiliser les paramètres personnalisés pour l’historique. Enfin décochez-la pour désactiver les cookies.

Under Safari : Click on the pictogram « menu » in the top right corner (symbolized by a cog). Select Settings. Click on Show the advanced parameters. In the confidentiality section, click on content settings. In the cookies section, you disable them.

Under Chrome: Click on the menu pictogram (symbolized by three horizontal lines). Select Settings. Click on Show Advanced settings. In the confidentiality section, click on preferences. In the Confidentiality Tab, you can disable the cookies.

9. Applicable Law and attribution of jurisdiction.

Any disputes related to the use of the website its linked sites, is under French right. The legal jurisdiction will be exlusive attributions to the court of Paris.

10. Principal concerned Laws

Law n°78-17 of January the 6th 1978, amended by law n°2004-801 of August the 6th 2004 related to computing, files and liberties.

Law n°2004-575 of June the 21st 2004 about trust in the numeric economy.

11. Lexicon.

User : Connected Internaut, using the website mentionned above.

Personnal information : « information permetting directly or indirectly the identification of a physical person through processing data » (article 4 of French Law n°78-17 of January the 6th 1978).