pH measurements

The pH measurement indicates the pH level in your pool or spa. Variations in pH readings can be normal: they can fluctuate depending on the weather or swimming. ICO can detect changes between two consecutive measurements. On this page, we remind you of the conditions for using the pH sensor and explain the possible causes of variations in pH readings.

Image du graphique représentant le pH

ICO Sensors use conditions

The ICO pH sensor is a perishable component with a limited lifespan, garantie par Ondilo pendant 1 an.

  • After this period, and in any case after a maximum of 24 months, we strongly recommend that you replace the sensor.
  • If you observe incorrect measurements between the end of the first year of use and the 24-month limit, it is essential to calibrate the pH sensor every 6 months. It may be necessary to replace your pH sensor with a new one. new pH sensor to ensure the accuracy of the data.

The Ondilo sensors, including the pH sensor, must be used in accordance with the conditions specified in our recommendations for use. This includes, among other things, the regular calibration of sensors as well as compliance with storage conditions when winterizing your device.

View pH measurement trends

On your ICO application, you can find pH trends by clicking on the trend icon.

Image du bouton tendance

If action is required on your part, ICO will send you a recommendation.

Possible pH measurement anomalies

The pH of swimming pool/spa water levels off at around 8

We advise you to measure the alkalinity of your pool or spa. A high TAC has the effect of stabilising the pH value at a high level.

The pH varies little (it seems blocked)

We invite you to test the TAC of your pool water. If no TAC anomaly is detected, please perform a pH variation testand then contact our helpdesk

The pH of the water fluctuates a lot

We recommend that you measure the alkalinity of your pool or Spa. A low TAC will result in an unstable pH reading.

You think the pH measurement is wrong

We invite you to carry out a mineral water test.You can find out how by clicking here. Then contact our helpdesk

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