ICO is already associated" error message

It is possible that an "ICO is already associated" error message appears when you associate ICO with your user account. This may be due to one of the following cases:

Photo showing the error message "ICO is already associated"

When is ICO already associated with another account ?

Case 1 - You purchased a second-hand ICO

Si vous connaissez l’ancien utilisateur, demandez-lui de dissocier son ICO sur son application en allant dans : paramètres/ Mon ICO/ Dissocier mon ICO

Case 2 - You purchased a new ICO

There may have been a problem printing the label. Please enter the UUID (identification number on the label inside the box) manually. If the problem persists, contact the Ondilo customer support.

Mistakes not to be made

  • The QR code and UUID are on the inside of the box. You cannot link ICO via the serial number on the outside of the box.
  • A pool or SPA must be created. The QR/UUID code cannot be used to track a shared pool or spa.

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