
An environmental regulation for private pools

La Fédération des Professionnels de la Piscine a introduit une nouvelle norme environnementale à l’échelle européenne pour favoriser le développement de piscines privées plus écologiques. Désormais, les fabricants doivent informer les consommateurs grâce à un classement de performance énergétique allant de A (très économe en énergie) à F (très énergivore). Cette norme, harmonisée dans tous les pays de l’Union européenne, incite les industriels à concevoir des équipements à faible impact environnemental. Pour les consommateurs, elle vise à faciliter le choix d’équipements plus durables et économes en énergie.

Greener private pools

Do you have a project to build a swimming pool? Your pool needs renovation ? Since January 2024, a pictogram has shown you scores from A to F to indicate the energy efficiency of equipment. As with the Nutri-Score for food products, you can choose your pool equipment according to its energy performance. This information helps you assess their impact on the environment. Where can you find it? When building or renovating a swimming pool, this information must be indicated on the quotation.

Equipment covered by this standard

  • Basic equipment such as the pool, water treatment, lighting, filtration and cleaning ;
  • Roofing and heat pumps have specific ratings that take into account, among other things, the composition of recycled materials and energy savings.
Infographie classement énergétique des équipements de la piscine privée

Recycling materials

This new standard requires professionals to make a real effort not only in terms of the energy performance of materials, but also in terms of their recycling. Today, almost 60% of swimming pool waste is recycled, 30% is disposed of or recovered for energy purposes, and 10% is reused.

Does this new environmental regulation apply to every pools?

Since January 2024, energy rating has been mandatory for all outdoor pool professionals. It does not apply to private indoor or above-ground pools, or to spas for family use for the time being.