
Building your own swimming pool

Autumn is the right time to switch from project mode to actually building your pool! It's a project that needs to be carefully thought through to avoid unpleasant surprises: a feasibility study, choice of professionals, submission and approval of the building permit, choice of materials and equipment, and project management all take several months to get a pool that lives up to your dreams! What's more, good builders have full order books, because all customers are like you : they're dreaming of enjoying their pool for the next season! Here's some advice on how to make your project a reality.

Réaliser la construction de votre piscine - ICO by Ondilo

How do I build an in-ground pool ?

Building an in-ground swimming pool is an ambitious project that generally involves three distinct phases.

Visuel du planning de construction d'une piscine avec l'ensemble des étapes

The first phase, lasting from 1 to 4 months, consists of preparing the project. This includes the precise definition of your needs and the pool design, the choice of qualified service providers, and the launch of the necessary administrative procedures, such as obtaining building permits.

Then comes the construction phase, which lasts between 2 and 6 months. This stage involves the start of structural work, the assembly of the pool structure, the installation of the filtration system, and the installation of the power supply.

Finally, the last phase, which takes 1 to 2 months, concerns the finishing touches. This includes laying the pool's inner lining, installing the coping around the pool, and putting the finishing touches and water in the pool.

If you have a small garden in the city, an above-ground pool may be just what you need. Read our article dedicated to the advantages of an above-ground pool.

What are the criteria for building a pool ?

The construction of a swimming pool is based on a number of criteria that influence not only the initial budget, but also the long-term costs associated with energy and water consumption. It's also crucial to comply with regulatory standards, which can vary from country to country.

In addition, since January 2023 there has been a European environmental standard for private swimming pools, which requires manufacturers to categorize their pools according to an energy performance rating ranging from A (the most virtuous) to F (the most energy-intensive). This new standard can also help you choose a pool based on ecological and economic criteria.

Visuel des critères de choix pour construire une piscine

Swimming pool type

The type of pool is a determining factor : you'll need to choose from different sizes, shapes and construction techniques (concrete, shell or ki pools). As for the water, it's essential to select an efficient filtration system and appropriate water treatment. Last but not least, you'll be offered different options for lighting, staircases and coping.

Technical room / Pool house

The pool house, plays a central role in the upkeep and maintenance of your pool, housing the pump, filtration system and heating equipment. If you plan to use this space as a storage area, note that for a surface area of up to 20 m², a simple declaration of works is all that's needed, while for larger areas, planning permission is required.

Choice of equipment

The choice of equipment is also crucial : depending on your budget, you can opt for manual solutions or intelligent devices integrated with home automation, such as connected water analyzers. Consider pool covers and shutters, which offer a variety of options for safety and protection, as well as additional equipment such as cleaning robots, alarms and safety barriers. Depending on your budget, you can choose manual or smart equipment, such as an ICO connected water analyzer that integrates into your home's home automation control system.

Earthworks and landscaping

The cost of earthworks and landscaping for a swimming pool depends on its size, the type of pool, access to the site, the nature of the soil and the landscaping elements required. For example, if the soil is rocky or difficult to dig into, this will require more time and effort, while clay soil may require the creation of specific drainage solutions. A feasibility study and comparison of several quotes is strongly advised.

How much does it cost to build a pool ?

Anticipate construction costs

Le budget de construction d’une piscine comprend plusieurs volets :

  1. Feasibility study
  2. Building permit application
  3. Purchase of materials / equipment
  4. The workforce
  5. Landscaping, earthworks, etc.

Anticipate construction costs

  1. The shape, size and depth of your pool will have an impact on your annual electricity and water consumption. To make the right choice, think about how you'll be using your pool today. Will it be the same in 10 or 15 years' time ?
  2. You should also consider the orientation of your pool. Elements such as wind, sun (heat, UV) and surrounding trees have a daily impact on the balance of the water, and therefore on your consumption of chemicals.
  3. Not to mention the type of water treatment. Among the most common treatments there are Chlorine, bromine and finally salt treatment.

Average costs of building a swimming pool

  • For an above-ground pool the budget is between €1,500 and €10,000 on average, depending on the pool's surface area.
  • Budget : For an above ground pool,the budget is between 1500 € and 10 000 € on average, depending on the size of the pool. The construction of a semi in-ground or in-ground pool requires a larger budget ranging from €6000 to €45,000. The size of the pool and the materials used affect the cost of construction.
  • In conclusion, the choice of materials and the type of liner to be installed (concrete, tiles...) will also affect your budget.

What regulations apply ?

Finally, if you're building your pool on your own or using the services of a professional, it's very important to make sure you comply with the regulations and standards in force in your country:

AFNOR standards

  • ISO or AFNOR safety regulations. This standard applies to the pool's hydraulic network, to the parts to be sealed in the installation, and to the filtration and water distribution systems.
  • AFNOR /ISO standards apply more broadly to the design of coping stones or terraces around the pool;
  • Finally, you are required to secure access to the pool with equipment (barriers, alarms, shelters, covers, etc.) that is also regulated. In France, this is the Construction and Housing Code.
  • Declare to your insurance: depending on the country you live in, you'll need to take out pool insurance to cover structural damage, as well as third-party liability insurance in the event of an accident involving a family member or third party in your pool.
  • Le permis de construire ou l’autorisation préalable de travaux : lors de la construction d’une piscine, il est crucial de respecter les réglementations en vigueur, notamment en ce qui concerne les permis de construire. Les formalités administratives varient en fonction de la taille et des caractéristiques de la piscine.

When do I need a building permit ?

Pools over 100 m² : Planning permission is required for any pool whose surface area exceeds 100 m². This also includes pools covered by a fixed or mobile structure over 1.80 m high.

Pools between 10 m² and 100 m² : a preliminary building permit is generally required, unless they are covered by a structure over 1.80 m high, in which case a building permit is required.

What are the taxes applicable to the construction of a swimming pool ?

Building a swimming pool can have tax implications, considered as an improvement to your property. In France, here are some key points to consider:

Property tax and council tax

  • Augmentation de la valeur locative cadastrale : Une piscine peut augmenter la valeur locative cadastrale de votre propriété, ce qui peut entraîner une hausse de la taxe foncière. Cette augmentation dépend de la taille et du type de piscine.
  • Taxe d’habitation : Bien que la taxe d’habitation soit progressivement supprimée pour de nombreux foyers en France, une piscine peut encore influencer son montant pour ceux qui y sont assujettis.

Urban development tax

When a swimming pool is built, a development tax is generally payable. The amount depends on the surface area of the pool and a rate set by the commune and département (1 m² is generally valued at €200).

Declaration to tax authorities

It's important to declare the construction of your pool to the local tax authorities to avoid penalties. This declaration must be made within 90 days of completion. This will enable you to adjust your taxation correctly. By taking these tax aspects into account, you can better anticipate the costs associated with building your pool and avoid financial surprises.

Choose the right professional to create your project

Calling in a professional is recommended if you want an in-ground or semi-in-ground pool, as it requires a great deal of skill and guarantees compliance with standards and regulations. To carry out your project, you need to pay close attention to a number of criteria and seek out as much information as possible before committing yourself to the contractor of your choice.

  1. Choose a service provider in your region : site supervision will be easier and more regular. The company will certainly have a network of local partners if he needs to call on different trades (mason, plumber, electrician).
  2. Faites appel au réseau FPP : en France La Fédération des professionnels de la Piscine recommande un réseau de constructeurs labellisés près de chez vous que vous pouvez consulter en toute confiance.
  3. Find out which insurances and certificates a builder is required to have in order to carry out work, and then check that the company has them. Depending on the country, these documents may include an insurance certificate or professional liability insurance..
  4. Don't hesitate to consult customer reviews on the internet or social networks, and even contact customers directly to find out more about their experience with the contractor.
  5. Last but not least, it's essential to draw up a detailed contract (i.e. with details of the service expected, financial and work schedules).

To conclude

To make the most of your pool next summer, don't hesitate to contact professionals in late summer or early autumn! Don't hesitate to rely on a network of approved professionals and consult customer reviews. Finally, to choose your equipment and get inspiration, there's nothing better than visiting showrooms and trade fairs and reading the trade press.