
Pool and spa: bromine water treatment

Treating your pond with bromine is effective in controlling bacteria and algae growth. It is less common than chlorine treatment à cause de son prix relativement élevé, mais il est recommandé si vous habitez dans une région chaude parce qu’il est plus résistant aux UV. De nombreux baigneurs apprécient le confort qu’il apporte à l’eau. Quels sont les avantages et inconvénients du traitement au brome ? Comment le mesure-t-on ? Vous en saurez plus en lisant cet article.

Spa with bromine treatment

What is bromine ?

Bromine is a chemical element that belongs to the halogens like fluorine and chlorine. It is also naturally present in sea water. Like chlorine, it is a disinfectant, a preventive algaecide and a persistent one (it purifies the water and destroys germs as it goes along). Bromine is an ideal replacement for chlorine as it is odourless and gentler on the skin.

What are the benefits of bromine treatment?

  • A high comfort index: bromine is more comfortable for the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. It produces bromamines (odourless and non-irritating) unlike chlorine. Bromine is recommended in swimming pools and spas with children or sensitive people.
  • Bromine is not very sensitive to UV light: you do not need to add stabilisers, unlike chlorine. Stabilisers should never be used in a pool treated with bromine, otherwise they concentrate in the water and can stop its disinfectant action.
  • Bromine can withstand high temperatures: it remains active when temperatures rise and is therefore very useful in hot tubs or swimming pools exposed to strong sunlight.

Some precautions to consider:

This product is very powerful and should be handled with care:

  • Handle and store bromine away from air and light.
  • Be especially careful around your pond if you have pets, as bromine can be very irritating.
  • It is a very corrosive product for water and equipment. Follow the dosage carefully, otherwise you may have to drain your pool and damage your equipment.