
Weather impacts on my pool


Soleil ou pluie, les conditions météo ont un impact sur la qualité de l’eau de votre piscine comme sur les équipements. Il est préférable de prévenir les changements brusques de l’eau plutôt que d’avoir à résoudre les problèmes. Voici nos conseils pour protéger votre piscine.

the weather changes the pool water quality

Impacts of the sun

In the event of a heat wave, you must protect your pool from the sun's rays. Indeed, beyond a water temperature of 28°C, micro-organisms develop and the disinfecting products do not act anymore.This causes the water to cloud and turn green. Before algae appears, put shade over your pond (umbrella, shade cloth) during the hottest hours. In addition, heat also affects water evaporation. You will certainly have to level your pool.

Impacts of the rain

nitially, rainwater is quite pure. But when it falls, different elements (minerals, pollutants) are added to it. Thus, it sometimes becomes undrinkable and polluted by dust and sand. There is therefore a chance that your water will become cloudy. Depending on the region, rainwater is more or less acidic. Be careful! Rainwater does not have the same chemical composition as tap water. The pH of rainwater is between 5 and 6 and will therefore lower the pH of your pool which is usually between 7.2 and 7.6. The temperature of rainwater is generally low, so it is possible that the water in your pool will decrease in temperature.

Pour éviter tout changement de l’eau à cause de la pluie : couvrez votre piscine dés que la pluie est annoncée. Si malheureusement vous n’avez pas pu intervenir à temps, vous devrez mesurer et modifier le pH.

Impacts of frost

Water that freezes can cause the pool's pipes to burst. Therefore, when the water temperature reaches 15°-12°C (17°C for a salt treatment), you must winterize your pool without delay to preserve your equipment. You can choose a passive or active wintering. Cover your pool.

Wind and swimming pool

Lors de la création de votre projet piscine, veillez à bien orienter l’emplacement de celle-ci, en amont (avant sa construction ou son installation). Pour limiter le dépôt de débris, poussières, couvrez votre piscine avec une bâche ou un abri. Si les débris sont déjà présents : nettoyez le fond et les parois à l’aide d’un balai aspirateur manuel ou robot. Ensuite, vérifiez le filtre du skimmer.

Le printemps et l’automne sont importants pour votre piscine

In the spring, restart your pool when the water temperature reaches 12°C - 15°C maximum. After the main cleaning and re-watering of your pool: activate the filtration continuously, then readjust the treatments according to the analyses to balance the water. Do not hesitate to cover your pond to prevent pollen particles and other particles from disturbing the water balance. It will be time to return to your weekly maintenance routine.

Fall is a good time to prepare your pool for winterization. You will especially need to intensify maintenance of your pool to remove leaves and clean filters more regularly. When the water reaches between 15°C and 12°C, it's time to winterize.