
How to maintain your pool liner ?

A swimming pool liner has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. To preserve it, here are two golden rules:

balanced water and regular pool maintenance

well-maintained pool liner

Balancing the water means preserving your liner

The calcium-carbonate balance of water includes

This balance protects the various materials in the pool (liner, walls, pipes, pump and filtration).

Here are some examples of the impacts of water imbalance:

  • When the tH and TAC are low and the pH is high, the water is aggressive. In this case, the liner folds and the filtration equipment is damaged.
  • If the tH and TAC are high and the pH is too low, the water becomes scaled. Limescale deposits and impurities can be deposited on the waterline and the filtration equipment will be damaged more quickly.
  • In hot weather, the water temperature should not exceed 28°C. Water that is too warm contributes to the growth of algae and also damages the equipment.

Clean regularly your pool and the liner

A clean pool will help preserve your liner for a long time. You can find our tips to clean your pool.

If you are using a chlorine treatment, you should never put the pebbles in direct contact with the liner as this will cause discolouration or staining of the surface. In general, manufacturers recommend putting the chlorine pebbles in the skimmers or in a floating basket.

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What to do when stains appear on the liner?

There are several types of stains on liners

  • Black spots indicates the presence of metal particles in the water, such as copper. We recommend using a "special metal" flocculant to remove them.
  • Pink spots reveal abnormal humidity under the liner, which causes bacteria to proliferate. First, apply a shock treatment, then filter the water continuously for 48 hours. If the problem persists, your liner is probably no longer waterproof. Contact your specialist without delay.
  • Green spots at the water line are the sign of too much sun exposure and you need to act quickly to prevent the dirt from sticking. Start by lowering the water level, then scrubbing and brushing the stains with a sponge. Use "special waterline" cleaners. Protect your pond from the sun during hot weather.
  • White or grey patchesWhite or gray stains could mean that your water is too hard if you have intalled it less than 10 years ago. In this case, take a tH measurement to check the water's hardness. If your liner is more than 10 years old, it may be deteriorated and at the end of its life.
  • Yellow spots. L’eau de votre piscine est déséquilibrée. Vérifiez le pH et réajustez-le si besoin. Agissez rapidement avant l’apparition d’algues qui sont plus difficiles à traiter et nécessite l’utilisation de plus de produits chimiques.